Footnotes 37-48: Shouldn't YOU Call the Shots?



[37] What’s more critical than your child’s welfare?

a. What Should A Good Parent’s Priorities Be? (by Teresa McEntire,

b. Child health: 10 habits for a resilient immune system (by Karishma Nandkeolyar, Parenting, May 25, 2022)


[38] Can you really trust Pfizer with their health?

a. Maddiede Garay (Jr’s Guardian Voice , re: Pfizer January 2021 Clinical Trials …: “Maddie was in the Pfizer Clinical Trials for 12–15 year-olds…. Steph de Garay, Maddie’s Mother, says ‘There was nothing wrong with her. She was perfectly happy and now, whatever happened, it has changed her’. Nine months post Vaccine they are still living a nightmare with no support from the medical community.”)

b. In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission (Rob Roos, MEP, Twitter, Oct. 11, 2022) 

c. Dr Reiner Fuellmich speaks out on vaxx genocide: Worldwide class action lawsuit for Pfizer & Moderna (interviewed by Stew Peters, Rumble, Sept. 14, 2022)

d. Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History (Department of Justice, The United States Government, Sep. 2, 2009)


[39] Could the governments be wrong this time?

a. Open Letter to the Health Minister regarding Health Canada’s use of the mRNA vaccines (submitted by Philip Britz-McKibbin, PhD et al, Canadian Covid Care Alliance, Sept. 30, 2022)

b. An Open Letter to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada (Preston Manning, Jan. 29, 2021)

c. Fundamentally Flawed COVID-19 'Science' (Dr. Byram Bridle, Substack, Sept. 9, 2022)

d. Hindmarsh-Analysis-of-Pandemic (Bruce Hindmarsh, DPhil, Till We Have Faces, Nov. 22, 2021, pp. 78 to 88, esp. highlighted sections)

e. Letter to Federal Health Agencies Regarding Maddie and Clinical Trials for Children (Siri | Glimstad, on behalf of the de Garay family, Oct 22 2021; Note: page 8, 1st par. - “Since children are at extremely low risk of harm from SARS-CoV-2, and getting the infection actually provides sterilizing immunity, while the vaccine does not, children in our country do not need a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccinating them will not contribute to herd immunity since the vaccine, as you know, does not prevent infection and transmission of the virus.”)

f. Summary Of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson's 3-Hour Washington D.C. COVID-19 Round table Meeting (Rumble, Dec. 7, 2022; 10 minutes)


[40] Might not these shots harm your child?

a. VAERS: Two-year-old baby in Virginia dead six days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot (Published April 20, 2021 on The Covid Blog, as revealed by VAERS.)

b. Don't vaccinate your children with covid-vaccines - Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (Rumble, July 6, 2022)

c. Reports of child deaths in the VAERS (HART Group, March 17, 2022)

d. Are the Kids Okay? (Vaccine Research Safety Foundation, Oct. 5, 2022)

e Collection of 1,250+ peer reviewed case reports and studies citing adverse effects post COVID vaccination (, July 25, 2022)

f. Scotland neonatal deaths spike 'not linked to Covid' in mothers or babies | HeraldScotland, Dec 1 2021

g. Dr. Paul Alexander : Genetic COVID Vaccines May Damage Children's Innate Immunity | Voice for Science and Solidarity July 18, 2022

h. Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 1 (by Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Journal of Insulin Resistance, Sept. 26, 2022; “Results: …Re-analysis of randomised controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from COVID-19. Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety.”)

i. Persistent Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in a Cohort of Adolescents with Post-Coronavirus Disease 2019 mRNA Vaccine Myopericarditis (Jenna Schauer, MD et al, The Journal of Pediatrics, June 2022, pp. 233-237)

j. Devastated Parents Warn How the COVID Shots Killed or Crippled Their Children (Health Impact News, BitChute, Dec. 2, 2021)

k. 1000 Peer Reviewed Studies Questioning Covid-19 Vaccine Safety (Informed Choice Australia, Jan. 20, 2022)

l. Florida Surgeon General Issues Warning For mRNA Coronavirus Vaccines: ‘FL Will Not Be Silent On The Truth’ (by Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, Oct. 7, 2022)


[41] Won’t a healthy immune system do the job?

a. Covid: Children's extremely low risk confirmed by study (BBC News, July 9 2021; Note: Most of the young people who died ‘with’ (not from) Covid-19 had life-limiting underlying health conditions.)

b. Does My Child Need to be Vaccinated Against Covid-19? (World Council For Health, March 9, 2022)

c. Natural Immunity vs. Vaccine Acquired Immunity, the Story So Far… (World Council For Health, March 9, 2022)

d. Covid-19: Risks of severe illness in children shown to be very low in largest study yet (by Lorna Fraser et al, pub. by University of BRISTOL, July 9, 2021; Note Par. 14: Senior author Professor Lorna Fraser (University of York) said: “It’s important to remember that the risks are very low for all children and young people. Even when we found higher risks for some groups with severe medical problems, these risks were still very small compared to risks seen in adults.”)

e. COVID-19 Vaccines for Children ‘Not Medically Necessary’: Dr. Peter McCullough (Vaccines and Safety, Epoch Heslth, Oct. 22, 2022)


[42] Is your choice about these shots fully informed?

a. Covid Kid Facts: STOP… (“We, a group of Canadian Physicians and Nurses from across Canada say: Before you decide to vaccinate your healthy kids with the COVID-19 vaccine, consider)

b. “Pfizer Study of Covid-19 Vaccine in Pregnant Women Delayed by Slow Enrollment” (Wall Street Journal, Sept 22, 2021. “Delayed results due to lack of participants mean that physicians remain uninformed about how the shots affect pregnant women and their babies.”)

c. Letter to Federal Health Agencies Regarding Maddie and Clinical Trials for Children (Siri | Glimstad, on behalf of the de Garay family, Oct 22 2021; Note: page 5, 1st par. - “Every parent offered the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine should be informed of Maddie’s experience prior to giving or withholding consent on behalf of their child. Indeed, without a true picture of the benefits and risks of this product, no parent’s consent can be truly informed.”)

d. Covid-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors (by Ita Gat et al, Andrology, June 17, 2022)


[43] Shouldn’t only you as parents decide what’s best?

a. The Infants Act, Mature Minor Consent and Immunization | HealthLink BC In BC there is no set age when a child is considered capable to give consent. The immunization records of any child who gives their own consent will not be shared with the parent or guardian, unless the child gives permission.

b. 4 Reasons to Not Vaccinate Children for Covid-19 (World Council for Health, Dec. 5, 2022)

c. 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot (by Margret Anna Alice, Substack, Sept. 4, 2022)



Did you know...

[44] In 2009 Pfizer paid 2.3 billion dollars in fines under the False Claims Act, FDCA?

a. Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History (Department of Justice, The United States Government, Sep. 2, 2009)

b. Pfizer Admits Bribery in Eight Countries (By Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch Blog, Aug. 8, 2012)

c. List of largest pharmaceutical settlements - Wikipedia

d. 1991-2010 Enormous Scale of Pharma Criminal Fraud Settlements (Alliance for Human Research Protection, Sept. 7, 2022)


[45] Governments have acted unlawfully repeatedly by mandating COVID shots for work and travel?

a. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Part 1 of the Canadian Constitution, 1982; Note Sec. 6 mobility rights: “(1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada. (2) Every citizen of Canada…has the right (a) to move to and take up residence in any province…“.  Governments cannot claim that Sec. 1 allows them to override Sec. 6 because they have failed the test to “demonstrably justify” their action “in a free and democratic society”. See for more details.

b. The Charter’s only living signatory sues Canada over travel mandates (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Jan. 26, 2022)

c. Court facing compelling testimony from Charter signatory Brian Peckford as action proceeds to strike down vaccine travel ban (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, March 22, 2022)

d. Justice Centre Federal Vaccine Travel Ban Evidence (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Aug. 18, 2022; Note: There are 14,000 pages of evidence presented in 10 parts.)

e. Brian Peckford - Episode 021 Time Has Come (Graham Wardle / Time Has Come Podcast, YouTube, March 30, 2022; Note: Skip to 36:00 to hear Premier Peckford speak about his Federal Court lawsuit respecting his Section 6 Mobility rights.)

f. Vaccine mandate (for work) is a fraud on the Canadian people (presentation by Shawn Buckley, Alberta lawyer, The Citizen’s Hearing, June 24, 2022)

g. Did Health Canada really say that vaccines cannot be mandated? (Beyond the Narrative, Aug. 21, 2022)


[46] COVID-19 is not life-threatening for a child with a robust immune system.

a. Stop The Shots Expert Video - Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe and effective in children? (featuring Deanna McLeod, Canadian Covid Care Alliance, Aug. 4, 2022)

b. CDC COVID Data Tracker (Click ‘Age - All Groups on left hand menu)

c. COVID-19 epidemiology update: Detailed data, maps, charts – (Click on “deceased” in Figure 7.)


[47] Not knowing the risks or alternative options or being coerced violates informed consent?

a. Consent: A guide for Canadian physicians: Emergency Treatment (The Canadian Medical Protective Association, updated April, 2021)

b. InformedConsent: It's your right (Canadian Covid Care Alliance, Aug. 19, 2021)

c. Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 1 (by Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Journal of Insulin Resistance, Sept. 26, 2022; “Conclusion: It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue.")

d. Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 2 (by Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Journal of Insulin Resistance, Sept. 26, 2022; “Background: Authorities and sections of the medical profession have supported unethical, coercive, and misinformed policies such as vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, undermining the principles of ethical evidence-based medical practice and informed consent...")

e. Menstrual cycle disturbances after COVID-19 vaccination (by Luis Rodriguez Quejada et al, Sage Journals, July 7, 2022)


[48] By court order Pfizer released data on the many recorded harms their COVID-19 shots caused?

a. FDAsays it needs 75 years to release Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine data to the public (by Matthew Roscoe, EuroWeekly News, Dec. 9, 2021)

b. ‘Paramount importance’: Judge orders FDA to hasten release of Pfizer vaccine docs (by Jenna Greene, Reuters, Jan. 7, 2022)

c. 'Data is power': Experts weigh-in on court-ordered release of Pfizer vaccine documents (Windsor News, March 11, 2022)

d. FDA slowly starts release of Pfizer vaccine data to the public (by Matthew Roscoe, EuroWeekly News, March 8, 2022)

e. Pfizer Covid vaccine has 1,291 side effects reveals official documents (The Rio Times, March 7, 2022)

f. CumulativeAnalysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2)… (Report prepared by Worldwide Safety, Pfizer)

g. A look at Pfizer documents released by FDA following court order (by Dr. John Campbell, Israel National News, March 10, 2022)



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