A. Food
- 39 Recipes for Immune-Boosting Treats (Eat2Run)
B. Music
- ‘What is a Virus?’ Song (Netflix Jr., YouTube, March 12, 2020)
- Immune System – Fight off the Germs (Pinkfong Baby Shark – Kids’ Songs & Stories, YouTube, Dec. 15, 2017)
- Immune System, Part 1: Non-Specific (Innate) Immunity (by Glenn Wolkenfeld /, YouTube, May 21, 2020; rap begins at 13:15)
- Immune System Rap 2 specific immunity (by Glenn Wolkenfeld /, YouTube, Jan. 21, 2016)
- Hear Me While I’m Praying (by David Onka, Leila Centner Channel, YouTube, May 30, 2021)
- Fight For You (by Five Times August, Rumble, June 6, 2022; also on Bandcamp:
- Jesus…What Happened to Us? (by Five Times August, Rumble, Sept. 30, 2021)
- RC – Just Say No (by RC The Rapper, YouTube, May 25, 2021)
C. Books
1. Boosting Immune Health
a. Food:
- Clean Eating for Busy Families, revised and expanded: Simple and Satisfying Real-Food Recipes You and Your Kids Will Love (by Michelle Dudash, Fair Winds Press, March 5, 2019)
- Eat 2 Run Recipe Book (by Sarah Cuff, R.H.N., Copyright 2018, Eat 2 Run Sports Nutrition, 6th edition)
- An Elegant
Defense: The Extraordinary New Science of the Immune System: A Tale in Four
Lives (by Matt Richtel, HarperCollins Publishers, 2019)
- Boosting Your Immune System: Step-By-Step Guide to Bolstering Your Immune System So You Can Live Healthier, Happier and More Pleasant Life (by Jim Russlan, Jan. 29, 2020)
- Dirt Is Good: The Advantage of Germs for Your Child's Developing Immune System (by Jack Gilbert, June 6, 2017)
- Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive (by Phillip Dettmer, Random House, Nov. 2, 2021)
- Strategies
for Protecting Your Child’s Immune System: Tools for Parents and Parents-to-be
(by Rodney R. Dietert and Jancie Dietert, World Scientific Publishing Co.,
- The
Bacteria Book: The Big World of Really Tiny Microbes
(by Steve Mould, Penguin Random House, May 15, 2018; ***Highly rated for kids***)
- The Little Soldiers in the Body - Immune System (by “Baby Professor”, Biology Book for Kids Children's Biology Books, Sept. 15, 2017)
- Your Baby's Microbiome: The Critical Role of Vaginal Birth and Breastfeeding for Lifelong Health (by Toni Harman & Alex Wakeford, Feb. 20, 2017)
- Raising Good Humans: A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids (by Hunter Clarke-Fields, Dec. 1, 2019)
2. Vaccines and Safety:
- "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 (by Ed Dowd, Children’s Health Defense, Dec. 13, 2022)
- Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars: Fighting for Human Freedom During the Great Reset (Christopher A. Shaw, Ph.D., Children’s Health Defense, Aug. 31, 2021; ***Highly rated***)
- Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines (by Dr. Colleen Huber, May 14, 2022)
- Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (Anonymous, July 16, 2022; ***Highly rated***)
- Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness (by Thomas Cowan, M.D., Chelsea Green Publishing, Aug. 14, 2018)
- Vaccines: A Reappraisal (by Richard Moskowitz M.D., Skyhorse, Sept. 19, 2017)
- What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(TM) Children's Vaccinations (by Stephanie Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., Warner Books, 2001)
3. COVID-19 Related:
- COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey (by Peter and Ginger Breggin, Sept. 30, 2021)
- My Choice: The Ethical Case Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates (by Dr. Julie Ponesse, Dec. 8, 2021)
- Panic Attack: Playing Politics with Science in the Fight Against COVID-19 (by Nicole Saphier, M.D., May 25, 2021)
- The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Noc 16, 2021)
- Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health (by Dr. Loseph Lapado, Skyhorse Publishing, Aug. 23, 2022; buy on
D. Videos
1. Immune System
- How The Immune System ACTUALLY Works – IMMUNE (Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, YouTube, Aug. 10, 2021)
- How does your immune system work? (by Emma Bryce, Ted-Ed, YouTube, Jan. 8, 2018)
- Immune System (Amoeba Sisters, YouTube, March 12, 2020)
- Innate & Adaptive Immunity (WholisticMatters, YouTube, Oct. 17, 2020)
- Dr. Aseem Malhotra: From Vaccine Pusher to Vaccine Debunker—How I Changed My Mind About the COVID-19 Jab (American Thought Leaders, Dec. 10, 2022: a ground-breaking interview)
- Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra: How the COVID-19 Vaccines Impact the Heart (American Thought Leaders, Dec. 17, 2022: a sea-change interview)
- Safe
and Effective: A Second Opinion
(Oracle Films, 2022)
- Science for hire - full movie (a Gary Null production, Oct. 16, 2022)
- Stop the Shots in Kids (Canadian Covid Care Alliance, 2022)
- Stop The Shots Expert Video - Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe and effective in children? (featuring Deanna McLeod, Canadian Covid Care Alliance, Aug. 4, 2022)
- Stop The Shots Expert Video - There Is No Justification In Vaccinating Children (featuring Dr. Byram Bridle, Canadian Covid Care Alliance, Aug. 24, 2022)
- The Pfizer Inoculations For COVID-19 – More Harm Than Good (Canadian Covid Care Alliance, 2022)
- The Real Anthony Fauci Movie (Jeff Hayes Films, Oct. 17, 2022)
- The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told (Epoch TV, 2023)
- Uninformed Consent: Full Documentary, Part 1 & 2 (by and Vaccine Choice Canada, Rumble, Aug. 4, 2022)
- “Until Proven Otherwise”— Featuring Cardiologists Dr. Peter McCullough + Dr. Aseem Malhotra (Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Nov. 4, 2022)
- More Documentaries on
E. Articles / Reports / Essays
- Covid-19 and pregnancy: Guidance for healthy moms and babies (World Council For Health, Sept. 11, 2022)
- COVID-19 Vaccines – An Australian Review (by Connie Turni and Astrid Lefringhausen, published Sept. 21, 2022 in the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Immunology, Vol. 7, Issue 3)
- Here’s
How You Can Optimize Your Natural Immune System
(World Council for Health, Feb. 1, 2022)
- More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab Does More Harm Than Good (by Joseph Mercola, Time, Oct. 4, 2022)
- Till
We Have Faces: An Analysis of COVID-19 and Public Policy (by Bruce Hindmarsh, DPhil, Nov. 22, 2021)
- Vaccination
Strategies: Is Vaccinating During a Pandemic a Good Idea?
(World Council For Health, March 9, 2022)
- Why COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters are Unnecessary and Not Recommended (Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee, Canadian Covid Care Alliance, Oct. 4, 2022)
F. Media
1. The Epoch Times:
a. Health
c. EpochTV
eg: Ingredients in COVID-19 Vaccines
G. Organizations
- Alliance for Natural Health International
- America's Frontline Doctors
- Canada Health Alliance
- Canadian Covid Care Alliance
- Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
- Child Health Foundation
- Doctors for COVID Ethics
- Global Research
- Health Advisory & Recovery Team
- Justice for the Vaccinated (Report your injury here.)
- Learn the Risk (Knowledge * Action * Health)
- Mama Bears (Canada)
- Mama Bears (USA)
- National Citizens Inquiry (Testimonies of COVID-19 injection harms)
- Nemours Kids Health
- PANDA (Science . Sense . Society)
- Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency
- Safer to Wait (Protecting Children's Health)
- Swiss Policy Research
- Take Action for Kids
- Vaccine Choice Canada
- Vaccine Research Safety Foundation
- World Council For Health
H. Websites
- (a directory of over 400 allies standing together for freedom)
- (Great Barrington Declaration: "The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.")
- Dr. Mark Trozzi (Honest | Ethical | Medical Doctor)
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