[13] Optimize immune health in the prenatal phase. a. How Does Pregnancy Affect Your Immune System? (by Dr. Christina Palmer, Good Rx Health, April 4, 2022) b. Building A Strong Immune System During Pregnancy (by Dr. Heather Moday, Your Zen Mama, Jan. 14, 2022) c. How to Boost Immunity During Pregnancy (bu Mahak Arora, FirstCry Parenting, March 29, 2018) d. Immune cells in the uterus help nourish fetus during early pregnancy (by the Cell Press team, Medical Xpress, Dec. 19, 2017 e. Does a mother's mental health affect her fetus? (American Enterprise Institute, YouTube, Oct. 26, 2017) f. IMMUNE SYSTEM IN PREGNANCY + TIPS TO KEEP IT UP (The normal mom, YouTube, June 10, 2020) g. Moms' obesity compromises babies’ immune system at birth (by Iqbal Pittawala, UC Riverside, May 18, 2015) [14] Identify and avoid intake of food allergens. a. Tips to Avoid Baby Food Allergies and Eat Right During Pregnancy (FoodnHealth.org, April 28, 2020) b. Wh...